Saturday, August 30, 2014

New job position!!!

One of the advantages you have when you know a different language, in my case English, is that you can apply to a new position at your work place and that was exactly what happened to me last week.
 used to work as a data clerk entry for an american company but someone saw the potential in me and gave me an opportunity to have a better position that pays more than the one I had.
This new position is more of a challenge but I know I can do it and I will be working very hard in order to do an excellent job.
I am excited about this new challenge.

Keep calm and LEARN ENGLISH!


Hola a todos! Es de gran emoción para mi que visiten este blog, pues demuestra su interés por aprender el idioma  Inglés, lo que a consecuencia les traerá grandes beneficios, ya sea en el ámbito escolar, en el ámbito laboral o en el ámbito cultural.

Cualquiera que sea su objetivo, pretendo que este blog les ayude a mantenerse interesados en el aprendizaje del idioma ingles.



Hello everybody! Im really excited about you visiting my blog because it shows that you are interested in learning English and this will have major advantages at school, work or in a cultural way. 

It does not matter what your objective is, I hope this blog help you to keep interested in learning English. 

All of you are very welcome!

What language would you like to speak?